This person was marching proudly with his homemade sign. ¡Viva Presidente Obama!

Jason was pretty enthusiastic about getting a tattoo, as you can tell.

The finished product!
He had a nine-iron sammie on focaccia (chicken, bacon, oh my) and I had a barbara salad with field greens, beets, grapes and carmelized wanuts. If you order this salad, ask for the Herb dressing vs. the raspberry viniagrette, unless you like your dressing pretty sweet. I like to taste the greens. I have been told I like rabbit food a lot!
Before eating, we went to Golden Rule Tattoo on 2nd St. and Roosevelt. Jason got tattooed for his birthday! On one arm he got a question mark (see picture) and on the other arm he got an exclamation point (no photo, sorry). So, he's feeling pretty cool these days with his new ink. The guy who did his tats did an amazing job, I think his name is Alex, he was very friendly and highly skilled.
On Wednesday night I attended the immigration march and rally near the State Capitol. It was inspiring to see so many men, women and children speaking out for a cause they believe in, and we should fight for. After all, these folks make our beds, cook our meals, mow our lawns, etc.
You get the picture.
¡Si se puede!
Yes we can!
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