Greek salad is perfect on a hot summer day.

Juicy lamb chops are a rare treat.
She also said to sprinkle them beforehand with Italian seasoning, which I do have on hand. If you don't, you can make it yourself with marjoram, thyme, rosemary, savory, save, oregano and basil. I also added a little salt and pepper.
These browned nicely on each side with a little olive oil. On the side I made a Greek type salad with a half a cucumber, a roma tomato and fresh basil, with a vinaigrette dressing. In the spirit of full disclosure, the basil is frozen but it works just as well.
You can get great fresh basil at Trader Joe's or at Fresh & Easy.
The next time I make lamb chops I'm going to cook them the same way but then plunk them down in some spaghetti sauce and let them cook a few minutes, and serve with spaghetti. Mmmmmm.
Happy lunching.
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