Saturday, June 4, 2011

Abrazos Rotos and chorizo

Pedro Almodóvar's films put me in the mood...for Spanish food.

Who knew that Cost Plus would have such
great chorizo? Economical, too.

Lately I've been enjoying Netflix courtesy of a good friend - tonight I found Abrazos Rotos and watched it with a bocadillo de chorizo (chorizo on a baguette). The chorizo is from Cost Plus. I highly recommend you go and get some. It is pretty authentic stuff, with a nice "chew" and flavor I remember of Spanish chorizo, even thought it is made here in the U.S. A good effort!

Most folks know I have a bit of a girl crush on Penelope Cruz...and for good reason. I mean, what talent (and what a body). Also the wine is courtesy of Cost Plus, Marquise Phillips granache. The winery is going out of business but you can still find a few bottles at Cost Plus and AJ's.

When I watch Pedro Almodóvar's films, they take me right back to the culture of Spain. Such amazing food, architecture, history and culture. Wanderlust.

I was telling my friend Nora from Peru that it's kind of pretentious to go back Spain without even visiting so much of my own continent. I mean, America (North, South and Central) is so vast and there is a lot to discover still.

Still, Spain beckons. To be continued...

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