Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Celebration time...come on!

The kitchen wench is celebrating a clean bill of health today (for her business that is). The State of AZ audits financial type businesses every so many years and this usually causes hyperventilation on behalf of management (me). Well I came through with flying colors. Phew!

So I'm celebrating today with a chamoyada with mango (what else would you expect?) from Oasis Raspados on 32nd St./McDowell. Also I was telling Jason about the successful audit and he said to celebrate we're going to Iruña (on his dime - or should that be...euro) next week. Patatas bravas, here we come.


I have a free dessert coming from Iruña too. Just join their e-club and you will start off with a free pitcher of Sangria.

Nothing wrong with that...


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