Friday, April 15, 2011

Candy Addict and Atlas Shrugged

The Candy Addict has these cool artisan truffles.
The kitchen wench couldn't resist taking home just a few.

They also have local products like Cerreta's candy,
specifically fudge. Yummy.

And, they have a big selection of foreign candies
like Curly Wurly, Malteasers and Crunchie. I'm in love.

Harkins Theatres gets the blame for my
hookey playing today. Valley Art is
the only Harkins location showing Atlas Shrugged.

A couple of months ago I emailed my Dad when I heard Atlas Shrugged had been turned into a movie. He has been reading Ayn Rand's work since he was a young man and admired her philosophy in life (objectivism=pursuit of one's happiness, respect for individual rights & capitalism). She led a pretty interesting life, apparently. She authored We The Living, which is her book that most resembles an autobiography. It's on my summer reading list. That means I'm going to be reading it soon, since it's going to be summer lickety split here in Phoenix (at least that is what the thermometer says).

Anyways, I was checking the Harkins website today (I do this once a week or so to see what's coming out, especially for foreign films) and lo and behold Atlas Shrugged was opening today. Whoohoo! I was able to make it to the first show and it was packed. By the time I got there it was almost 11:15 and just about every seat was full.

What recession?

It was a great flick, I highly recommend you go and see it. You can get details on the cast and story here:

Afterwards I spent some time on Mill Avenue (doing a bit of marketing for my day job). I stumbled on Candy Addict, which has the most amazing selection of commercial candy we all know and like (M&M's, Snickers, Kit Kat), and then they have a big section of foreign candies that you don't see unless you're abroad, which I think is kind of neat. Then they also carry fudge from Cerreta's (local stuff!) and some delicious looking artisan truffles.

If you have a sweet tooth, Candy Addict is the place for you. They also have a "cavity club" card that you get with your purchase. After 4 stamps ($5 purchase) you get 1/4 pound of candy free.
Danger! I fully understand why they call it Candy Addict.


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