Sunday, April 3, 2011

AZ Hispanic Chamber Black & White Ball

A neat ice sculpture at the afterparty at B&W Ball.

Lizzy, who has a manufacturing business, also
volunteered at the event.

Volunteering with Mona, a fellow member.

As a volunteer at the Black and White Ball last night, I was able to attend and dance at the afterparty, where Jaleo played Columbian music (and now my calves are killing me). Cigars, Bacardi and Doritos were served, not necessarily in that order.


133K was raised in scholarship money for Latino college students. ¡Arre! Now we just need to get the DREAM Act passed.

The AZ Grand is quite a grand resort - no pun intended. The kitchen wench was especially impressed at the Mexican saltillo brown tile throughout, something which I have always loved and wish for my own pad.

There isn't a picture of the meal, which I was told was very tasty. Volunteers were served sandwiches, cookies, chips and water, and that was very much appreciated. It is a good thing since we needed to keep our energy up. We did a lot of moving around last night (collecting money from generous folks which goes towards programs at the AZHCC).

Thanks go out to a fellow chamber member (you know who you are!) who took me out on the dance floor, and spun me around until I was dizzy. Or maybe I was dizzy from all of the Taco de ojo at the afterparty (present company included).

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