Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lolo's lemon cake and Carlsbad Danish Bakery t-shirt

Lolo's gifted me a piece of lemon cake!

Got danish?

I was at Harkins Camelview theatre today to see Nora's Will. This is a great foreign film (Mexico) that you should go see if you don't mind subtitles and/or speak Spanish. It is very funny.

After the movie I sauntered over to Lolo's and had a Betty Boop plate again like last week (it's been a week already?) and the manager gave me a free (FREE!) slice of lemon cake to take home. He said he messed up when he was slicing it but I think it was more like I was ogling the last piece and he took pity on me. He mentioned that Lolo's makes cakes to order for your special event (they have a red velvet cake that looks delicious) and they only need 24 hours notice. This is good to know if you don't have time to bake.

My tokus is expanding since I am frequenting Lolo's these days. But, according to my neighbor, this is not a bad thing. ( You know who you are ~ cheeky!)

Soon I will be taking a trip to see my Dad in Carlsbad. I am so excited, it is way overdue. The kitchen wench is ready for a vacation in S. California. When my Dad was at Carlsbad Danish Bakery the other day, he picked me up a shirt. I'm pretty sure it says "Got Danish?" in Danish, but I can't be sure since my command of the language is non-existent. Regardless, I can't wait to put it on. Dad thinks red will be a good color on me.

We'll take a picture when I have the shirt on, and you guys can be the judge.

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