Friday, March 4, 2011

It's heating get to Gelato Spot!

It felt like it was 80 degrees yesterday. I put on a sleeveless dress with ruffles. It felt so good to have my arms bare.

I was invited to a Tricolor reception at Corona Ranch last night (Thanks Monalisa!) and I wanted to get something in my tummy before having a few Coronas (when in Rome). So...I stopped at Gelato Spot for a shake. One of their flavors this month is cherry chocolate gelato. I know, how good does that sound?

Usually I have a pocket coffee or strawberry shake. Don't usually depart from those flavors but yesterday I went for the flavor of the month. And I'm glad I did.

The chocolate gelato at Gelato Spot is amazing. Not too sweet and not too chocolaty. With the cherry added, there is just a hint of cherry and it is delicious. And it is a natural cherry taste, not that artificial chalky stuff.

What else would we expect from these guys?

You must go and try this flavor while it is still around.

Get down there now. Right now!!

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