Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making fish & chips at home

Fixins for a tasty Fish & Chips dinner @ home.

While I might have preferred to take my brother to the George & Dragon (love that place) last night, my wallet said, "we're eating at home tonight, honey."

So, what is a frugal kitchen wench to do?

My aunt had turned me onto these halibut filets at Costco and bought me a box the last time I had accompanied her on a monthly trip. They bake at 425 degrees for 22 minutes and in that same time you can make oven fries, I discovered. Just soak your wedges in ice cold water for 10 minutes and pat them dry before putting them on your baking sheet covered with olive oil. You can add fresh rosemary to them if you like.

I also picked up some malt vinegar yesterday at Fresh & Easy, along with frozen peas. I think this meal isn't complete without malt vinegar and peas.

My bro enjoyed the meal and we finished with macadamia caramel chocolate covered clusters (think turtles) also courtesy of Costco. The chocolate needed coffee, so we had that too; a latte for me and a capuccino for my bro, courtesy of the kitchen wench. He appreciates home-brewed espresso, as I do, and we frequently discuss what coffee we are buying and where it comes from (we are coffee snobs, in the spirit of full disclosure). Last night's coffee was Pájaro from Trader Joe's. He said he likes it because it is very smooth, and I have to agree.

Next time we do this meal I'm going to Cost Plus since they have been advertising foreign condiments, think curry catsup. I think that would go well with the oven fries.

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