Friday, February 11, 2011

Julioberto's and Bunna Coffee

A great place for getting your Mexican eats.

I was just telling my brother last night (over dinner from Julioberto's) that I want to get an Ethiopian whole bean coffee. I remember they used to have a great Ethiopian brew at Sub Stop in Tempe (yes I am dating myself) along with zucchini bagels and draft beer. Ahhh, back in the days when the kitchen wench was younger, and had a fake ID :)

Next week I have a business meeting at Bunna Coffee in Tempe. And they have Ethiopian. For joy!

Mike and I had a great dinner last night from Julioberto's: a pollo asado burrito for him, with a pint of rice. And I had three (count 'em) flautas. They remind me of my Mom's which she does not make so much anymore because they require quite a bit of work.


I don't hang out in Tempe as much as I used to. I was talking to one of my client's client's recently and he told me that he had just moved from Tempe to Sun City (how does that happen, really) and he knew that he was going to miss Tempe a lot.

Then yesterday I was talking to nice lady (a transplant from I don't remember where) at a BNI meeting and she said she lived in Tempe and likes the college atmosphere. She added she hadn't been to any of my favorite haunts: Pita Jungle, Kohi Noor and Cornish Pasty. I sent her with advice to visit all three, very soon.

Tempe has a quality of life that I think is very nice: pedestrian friendly streets (especially Mill Ave.), beautiful parks, Tempe Town Lake, the university (of course) and great restaurants. Maybe if business picks up and the economy gets better and the real estate outlook improves, I could see moving there. Yes, and I know this makes me a very idealistic (vs. realistic) kitchen wench.

It's good to have plan A, plan B, plan C, etc.

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