Saturday, January 1, 2011

What's for breakfast: French toast

French toast with microwaved apples is a special breakfast treat.

Jason bought a yummy loaf of French bread last week at Grande Orange for us when we shared a meal of tortilla EspaƱola and spicy garlic shrimp. I've been using the remainder of it for French toast over the past couple of days.

Here's how you do it:
3 big slices French bread (cut on bias so there is more surface to brown)
1 egg
1 pinch sugar
1 tbsp butter
jam or granny smith apple

Just dunk your slices of french bread in the egg - I didn't even bother to scramble it - and add a pinch of sugar to your egg so your toast will brown nicely. On medium heat melt your butter and then add your toast. Brown it a couple of minutes on both sides.

I had this yesterday with marionberry jam that my cousin Deenah (thanks cuz!) sent from Washington and then today I had it with a granny smith apple cut in cubes and microwaved for 2 minutes (partially covered) with sprinkle of cinnamon.

This French toast reminds me of the French toast I used to get with my Dad and brothers back in the day at Cafe Casino on 24th St. and Camelback. I just loved loved loved that place. You could get apples or cherries on top of your French toast and I usually opted for the apples. We used to ride our bicycles there on a Sunday once in awhile and I remember my Dad being really patient as we all rode in single file to get there...

Happy times. Yummy breakfasts.

Make this French toast! You will love it. It is not only good for breakfast, but can do in a pinch for lunch or dinner. Fry some ham or bacon on the side. Mmmmm.

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