Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Menu - pork and sauerkraut

I've been invited to Jason's for a New Years Eve dinner which has me very excited. You see, his gram is a wizard at the Pennsylvania dutch type cooking. She makes a dish with mashed potatoes, pork and sauerkraut that I have tried before and it is very delicious. I will have to bring a six pack of Guiness or Bass or something as a housewarming gift since beer goes well with pork and sauerkraut.

Now that I think of it, I don't think anyone in that house drinks, hmmmm. All the more for me! I will come up with something good for dessert.

It will be a Happy New Year, indeed. Pictures pending and if I can pry the recipe from Virginia (Jason's gram) I will share that with you too.

Happy New Year from the Kitchen wench. Hope your day is filled with good eats too!

ps. This meal has been postponed to January 7. That's why I don't have the pix for you yet.

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