Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas punch - courtesy of Food City

Many years ago I made a mulled wine with cinnamon sticks, red wine, brandy and dried fruits. It was really delicious and warms you up on the inside.

Last year I was introduced to champurrado, a Mexican drink that is made around Christmastime/New Years. I'm not sure what all it contains, so I'm going to defer to wikipedia " a warm and thick Mexican drink, based on masa (hominy flour), piloncillo, water or milk and occasionally containing cinnamon, anise seed and or vanilla bean (tasting somewhat like a thick masala chai).

Did any of you see the movie QuinceaƱera? The uncle character in the movie made champurrado and sold it in Echo Park to the neighbors. You must rent and see this movie if you haven't yet. It is very sweet.

I digress.

I was so taken with champurrado last year that I hope that some of my Mexi friends will gift me some this year. (Hint Hint) If not, Food City will save the day, they have it on sale right now for 99 cents for 20 ounces.

That is almost free!

I was shopping at Food City tonight and at the register there is a recipe in English (reverse side in Spanish) for Christmas Punch.

Here goes:

3 gallons water
10 oz prunes
3 cinnamon sticks
4 sugar canes
7 guavas
5 juicy oranges
10 oz tejocotes (these are like small apples)
6 oz walnuts
2 lb sugar
1 quart brandy (optional)

Wash all the fruits. Cut the sugar canes in sticks. Cut the guavas in quarters. Boil everything together except the sugar. When everything is cooked, add the sugar and brandy.

Sounds yummy. If you try it, let me know how it turns out.

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