Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thanksgiving pie recommendations - straight from the Pie Social judge's mouth

This pie was my favorite. Mincemeat. Mmmmm.

In second place was an apple cranberry pie. Delish!

After applying to be a pie judge at today's Pie Social, the nice people at Phoenix New Times gifted me tickets so I could try 5 different types of pies today at the Pie Social at 5th Street and Roosevelt. Thank you Phoenix New Times!

On the way to my Mom's after the social, it occurred to me that I could get pulled over by Phoenix Police for DUIP, or Driving Under the Influence of Pie. Major major major sugar rush!

After reviewing 5 pies (and eating every last bite) I feel I can recommend pies for your Thanksgiving table, lest you not want to bake.

The one pie I did not try, but it looked delicious, was a dulce de leche and coconut number from Breadfruit restaurant. I am not a fan of coconut but if I was going to a dinner where there were lots of Almond Joy fans, I would not hesitate to bring it. The chef who made it told me they won for "Best Jerk" (chicken) last year and I think they have Jamaican patties too, so I need to get down there soon. That reminds me, I need to put Jamaica on my bucket list. Oh, how nice it would be to go there and zone out on Red Stripe beer and Jamaican patties. MMmmm. 108 E. Pierce St. 602-267-1266

I digress. Thinking about travel and food gives the kitchen wench wanderlust. Big time.

Another place you can get your Thanksgiving pie is at Pie Snob. I tried their Mississippi mud pie which was basically a very rich and moist brownie pie with some coffee flavor. I know it's not a traditional thing to serve for Thanksgiving but this pie was that good, I'm making an exception. 602-840-4995

The nice folks at That's A Wrap! in the old Lola Tapas location were hawking a pear and cranberry pie. I am a fruity pie person and I really enjoyed this one. The crust was very flaky and the quality of the fruit was very good, and spiced just right. 602-252-5051 800 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix

Beckett's Table was offering up a fig and pecan (or was it walnut?) pie that was very tasty. 602-954-1700

I am saving my two favorite pies for last. The apple and cranberry pie at Honey Moon Sweets had a streusel topping that I really enjoyed and it was packed with apples. Yummy. 480-517-9520

The last pie I think might have been my most favorite. I am a big (BIG) fan of mince pie and these guys nailed it, the mince filling and the crust were perfect. You need to try this one from Tracy Dempsey Originals.

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