Monday, July 19, 2010

Andalusian Gazpacho - via Germany again

Yecla was kind enough to send this recipe for Andalusian Gazpacho, she said she and her friend enjoyed it during the world cup festivities. It is great for our summer heat in Phoenix.

You need (for six people)

1.5 kg red tomatoes
125 cc. olive oil
3 garlic cloves
1/2 kg cucumbers
3 roasted red peppers (you can get these in a jar at Trader Joe's)
300 grams chopped onion
1.5 liters of cold water
vinegar and salt to taste.

You can put all of the ingredients in your blender and blend away. Just don't add barbituates like one of the main characters did in the movie Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios. Viva Pedro Almodovar! (you can tell I'm a big fan of his movies).

Chill and enjoy.


Spanish version:

Gazpacho andaluz

Ingredientes para 6 personas:

1,5 Kg. de tomates rojos

125 c.c. de aceite de oliva

3 dientes de ajo

1/2 Kg. de pepinos Not too much)

300 Grs. de cebolla picada

3 pimientos

1,5 lts. de agua fría

vinagre y sal al gusto.

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