Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Italian Beef sammie - Niro's Gyros

Sharon treated me to dinner tonight and I met her in her neck of the woods, which is close to Niro's Gyros...lucky for her. I had an Italian beef sammie that was very tasty (lean, too) and she had a gyro which she enjoyed immensely. We shared a greek salad and had hummus that she made herself. Way to go, Sharon! And some lentils too. She is a really good cook! And she gave me some pudding dessert to take home that has chocolate pudding, butterscotch pudding and natural peanut butter. It sounds like a tasty combination but I couldn't possibly manage it after our huge feast.

I would go back to Niro's for Italian beef again, but in the future when I get it to go, I will order it with the "au jus" on the side...otherwise your bread can get a bit soggy by the time you get it home.

Niro's is at 10826 S. 48th St. in Phoenix. 480-753-6476

In the spirit of full disclosure, one of the reasons I couldn't manage dessert tonight is because I had a diablito - a Mexican slushie - about an an hour and a half before I met Sharon. It had to do with errand running and trying to find a cool place to hang out for an hour - which it turned out not to be (cool that is, maybe their a/c was on the fritz) but my slushie made up for that. Go to La Reyna Michoacana on 32nd Street just a few blocks north of McDowell. They have tortas (Mexican sandwiches), popsicles and different kinds of shaved ice treats with chopped fruit.

Reyna Michoacana 2601 North 32nd Street in Phoenix.

Sorry folks, no pictures this time. Too distracted eating...

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