Sunday, June 6, 2010

Eating on the road and when dining in is best

My dining experiences weren't so great and exciting today. Wanda and I stopped at McDonald's (hurts me to say that) just outside of Carlsbad. I had a plain biscuit with jelly, nothing to drink since I already had a big latte before packing up my espresso machine for the drive home. She had pancakes and sausage which looked pretty tasty.

For lunch we stopped in Gila Bend - or was it Yuma - at Burger King and I had a grilled chicken sandwich. It was the healthiest item on the menu, I thought. But pretty tasteless.

The best thing I had today was mock nachos for dinner at home. 1/2 can pinto beans heated in the microwave for 40 seconds poured over corn chips and then a couple tablespoons of homemade salsa on top. It was so yummy. I had some jicama on the side that survived in the refrig over the past week, thankfully. And I was happy to see a bottle of fizzy water in the refrig that I forgot to take with me to California. It is a good thing because I needed something refreshing today, as the heat in Phoenix was a big change from the mild temperatures in Carlsbad.

So, tomorrow it's off to the grocery store, as the pickins' are slim here. Hopefully the milk that waited for me here will be okay for tomorrow morning's latte.

Happy eating.

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