Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's for breakfast - applewood bacon

My aunt gifted me some applewood bacon she had previously cooked recently. Fyi, if you want to reheat bacon, put a few slices in between a paper towel and microwave it for 15 seconds. Comes out perfect!

I reheated a few slices this morning and had them with whole wheat toast and a big latte with cinnamon on top. And a half of a mango that maybe only had a day or two left of life. I hate to waste good produce.

My aunt also gave me a can of sardines the last time I saw her. They are packed in olive oil. She said she likes them with a squeeze of lemon and then she puts them on crackers. I think I will go to Trader Joe's and pick up some more On Auk Mor (spelling?) whole wheat lavosh crackers and they will go well with the sardines from aunt Char.

My Dad was telling me recently about sardines as he is trying to incorporate more protein in his diet. He buys them in tomato sauce and also eats them with lemon.

Happy Eating!

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