Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Scones at AJ's Fine Foods

A thing of beauty.

Okay, I'm weak. I did break down today and get a scone at AJ's Fine Foods for breakfast. In the spirit of full disclosure, I got two. (one for breakfast tomorrow) But, I made my own latte, so I saved a buck still, right? It's that old philosophy when we eat a brownie and drink a diet coke, they cancel each other out.

Fuzzy math, I know.

I had a blueberry scone, it was so delicious. Crumbly, like a good scone should be. The picture you are viewing is a raisin scone (for breakfast tomorrow). I absolutely love raisins. This is where someone in the audience says, "well then, why don't you marry them?"

In some places raisins are called sultanas, fyi (a little trivia). So when you buy raisin bran in some countries, you actually buy sultana bran. Cool, no?

I digress. Einstein's bagels used to make a scone with blueberries and lemon zest with a little sugar on top, I so enjoyed these scones. Alas, they are not making them anymore, so I think I will have to make them. I'll post a picture soon.

I'm going to Rita's today with my aunt. It's a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant with outside seating. Details to come...

Happy eating.

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