Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sausage and tomatoes over whole wheat penne pasta

Sausage and tomatoes - great over rice or...pasta!

Trader Joe's has a great selection of pasta.

I was thinking this morning about something my Dad said to me recently. He said it is important to do "joyful things" in one's life. Since then, I am trying to incorporate more joyfulness in my life.

This will include: (more of the following which I already do) Cooking, Baking, Reading, Traveling, Working hard and Playing hard (which may include having a second glass of wine or margarita once in awhile). I'm also planning on volunteering my time again soon to a non-profit, teaching citizenship classes.

This morning I browned two sausage links (sweet Italian, from DeFalco's Deli) and added 3/4 can of Mexican style tomatoes. I'm simmering this now and getting ready to serve it over Trader Joe's whole wheat penne pasta (see pictures).

I was reading an article this morning about people who say they don't have time to cook ( and they call "bunko" on that. I think cooking is something that one does if one finds joy in it. And for all others, that's why there is a Fresh and Easy, where you can get prepared meals.

Happy Cooking/Eating!

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