Thursday, April 29, 2010

What's for lunch - molinari salami with sourdough bread

The molinari salami from DeFalco's in Scottsdale is delish.

Today I was stumped for lunch when I spotted in my refrig a bit of a Molinari salami from DeFalco's deli. The grind is a little coarse, which I like, you have to chew it and I like to "work for my food" so this salami is perfect for the kitchen wench (yours truly).

I toasted some sourdough bread (a baguette that had been frozen from Blue Water Grille) and added some Trader Joe's California Estate Bottled olive oil on top. Makes for a tasty lunch! Add some blueberry yogurt and an earl grey tea for the finale and you're all set (or I'm all set, as it were).

Happy lunching.

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