Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's for lunch - leftovers

I decided to write another post and give credit to the leftovers we bring for lunch. Mainly for me, it includes chicken I have previously baked, along with a pasta salad. In yesterday's case it was a breaded pork cutlet and skin on crispy potatoes from the Olive Garden. Jason and his family invited me to their Easter soiree and it was the best time, with great (GREAT) eats. I'm so fond of their salad and breadsticks.

Then at the end of our meal I was gifted with a beautiful, cute and colorful straw Easter basket with handles that could easily be used as a purse in the spring - which I am thinking about already, because I'm a "planner" and a "do-er" - - according to a close, personal, partner in crime. The basket is filled with yummies such as jelly bellies (I ate all of those), chocolate eggs and lollypops that look absolutely delicious.

This kitchen wench is feeling mighty spoiled these days. Let's keep this momentum going, shall we?

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