Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stovetop tilapia with Mexican-style tomatoes over rice

This is super quick cooking tilapa (stovetop) and you don't have to turn on your oven.

The larder has been a bit empty yet lately so I have been cleaning out my freezer for overlooked edible items. To my surprise I found a frozen tilapia filet that my aunt had given me a month or so ago and I also had some leftover white rice (that I cooked yesterday to eat with Trader Joe's veg potstickers). I usually like to use Trader Joe's Brown Basmati rice, but alas, I gave my last bag to my Dad to take back to San Diego with him the last time he visited.

I also found a can of Mexican style tomatoes that were cubed and in some juice, so I thought I would make a mock "Veracruz" style fish (no green olives in my refrig!) over rice. I heated some olive oil in a skillet and then plunked my filet down with some tomatoes on top. I cooked this covered on low (after bringing it to a medium heat) for 10 minutes and the fish was flaky and perfectly cooked. It was great over rice (see picture).

Make this for yourself, and add green olives if you have them and serve with slices of lime for garnish.
Happy Cooking!

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