Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hava Java - great coffee

I met a friend this morning at Hava Java on 32nd St. and Camelback for coffee - and WOW - this place is hopping. If I was a single gal (which I'm not) I would be coming back, a lot. Lots of eye candy, to be sure.

The coffee was delicious (thank you Maria) - I had a decaf latte along with a V8, which I was happy to see among the offerings which included Naked Juice, bottled water, yogurt and various yummy looking pastries.

While we were visiting, Maria recommended a sandwich place to me which I will mention - Pane e Bianco. I am excited to go there since I have a strong relationship with carbs (viva ciabatta bread and focaccia) and Maria assured me that their bread is delicious. Enough said. I'll be going. Also she said Lux coffee is right next door and their coffee is highly recommended so that sounds like a plan to get a sandwich and then go get a coffee to drink with it while the sandwich is being prepared...I will go to both places, try them out and take pictures, then report back to all of you my findings. Sounds like tough work for this kitchen wench. haha.

Get yourself to Hava Java today for some serious beverage enjoyment and eye candy (bonus). I forgot to mention they are next door (right next door) to one of my all time favorite places, the Gelato Spot.

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