Saturday, March 20, 2010

Shopping with Mom

It is amazing how much a daughter and a mother can get done in one day when they (we) put their (our) minds to it!

Today my Mom and I went to:

Target - got her a new purse, pillow, sheets and mattress pad (Happy birthday, Mom!!)
Home Depot - got 20 white 4x4 tiles for her bathroom
Oasis Raspados - it was mom's first visit, she was impressed with all of the offerings
Luggage & Shoe repair (40th St./Camelback) - shortening the handle on Mom's new purse
Water & Ice store (40th St./Camelback) - we walked in to find out that they make Hawaiian ice. I told them I'll be visiting them a lot - I mean a WHOLE LOT this summer. Whooohoo!!
Fresh & Easy (40th St./Camelback) - opening soon!

We tried to go to Arizona Tile but they are closed on the weekends. What's up with that?

Anyways, we got a lot done and had great mother/daughter time together. Oh! We also got some beautification done at a nice beauty salon called MagaƱas at 32nd Street and McDowell, where Mari took great care of my eyebrows and Lupe took special care of my Mom's hair. Mari reassured me that she can make my hair look beautiful for any special event...good to know, indeed. Muchas gracias, Ladies!

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