Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hail Mary's - trivia night

Tonight I met some co-workers, Scott and Wendie, along with my very significant other, Jason, at Hail Mary's for trivia night. It starts at 6:30 on Wednesdays.

They have great bar food. I had wings (medium) with veggies and ranch. Jason had chicken tenders and fries. We felt the quality of the food was very good, fresh and tasty. And fried. They don't have the fixins for a black and tan on tap, but they will open a bottle of Guiness and a bottle of Bass and make a black and tan for you (but you have to order two) - this is good to know and indicates you have an "in" or, you are "in the know."

We did not win tonight, but we came in 2nd place. An admirable placing, I feel...

Get yourself to Hail Mary's for trivia night. 14th St./Priest in Tempe.

Go now. NOW!!

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