Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lentils with chicken wings - bilingual post #2

This recipe came from my good friend Jose in Vitoria, Spain and comes courtesy of 1069 Recetas by Karlos Arguiñano.

I will try to do a proper translation.

• 300 g de lentejas • 1 cebolleta • 1 cebolla roja • 3 dientes de ajo • 1 pimiento morrón asado y pelado • 8 alas de pollo • 3 patatas • sal • pimienta • aceite • agua.
Cuece las lentejas (previamente remojadas) en agua con una cebolleta, sal y un chorro de aceite, durante 40 o 45 minutos. Después, añade las patatas, peladas y troceadas, y déjalo hacer otros 15 minutos.
Salpimenta las alas de pollo y fríelas, hasta que estén doradas, en una sartén con aceite donde habrás puesto 3 dientes de ajo, enteros y con piel, y la cebolla roja picada.
Sirve las lentejas en una fuente y coloca sobre ellas las alitas. Acompaña con la verdura (cebolla y ajo) y los pimientos en tiras.

300 grams of lentils, 1 small green onion, 1 red onion, 3 garlic cloves, 1 peeled roasted red pepper, 8 chicken wings, 3 potatoes, salt, pepper, oil, and water.
Cook the lentils (that have already soaked) in water with the green onion, salt and a tiny amount of oil for 40-45 minutes. Then add the potatoes (peeled and cubed) and let everything cook another 15 minutes.
Season the chicken wings with salt and pepper and fry them in a skillet with oil that you have added 3 whole garlic cloves to (do not remove the skin or chop them in pieces), until they are golden, along with the chopped red onion.
Serve the lentils in a serving bowl surrounded by the wings (you could put the bowl on a platter). Serve the garlic and onion on the side of the wings, sprinkled with the red pepper pieces.

Sorry, I haven't made this yet, so I don't have a picture...

I'm a huge fan of lentils and chicken wings. Just have never eaten them together this way. Can't wait to try it.

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