Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ode to fruitcake and a homemade latte

I start a new job tomorrow! Let's all hear it for full time employment!

My tummy is a little nervous (upset) but one thing that will calm it is a nice slice of fruitcake and a big latte. I think it is the dried fruits in the cake that I like the most, they give the cake a homey feel and it reminds me of something my Mom might make. She is a great baker, btw. Last week she gifted me some apple muffins and she said she was not particularly fond of them. I told her to let them sit a day or two in the refrig and she might like them more...I'm not sure why this is, maybe the fruit matures a bit (?) but I find that muffins with fruit taste better on day 2 or day 3 (or day 4 if there are lots). She put cinnamon and sugar in these...they were so yummy.

The fruitcake pictured was a gift and came from Colin Street Bakery. They have their own fruit orchards and do not use preservatives. I highly recommend these cakes, even after the Christmas season I have been known to order them.

Wish me luck tomorrow at the new salt mine.

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