Friday, January 15, 2010

Citrus salad variations

Mark Bittman has a recipe for winter citrus salad in the NY Times this week. The picture that he posted is very pretty, it looks like blood oranges, regular oranges and grapefruit. It reminds me of a salad my Dad told me he made last week with broccoli (steamed) and oranges. I think he said he put olive oil and salt on it and ate it at room temperature. My grandma used to make an orange salad with sicilian (wrinked, cured) olives, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. My aunt likes to put oranges in her salads when tomatoes don't look so great at the store. She uses butter lettuce when she does this. I'm thinking fennel would be nice in this, too. My aunt's neighbor, Bob, let me pick grapefruits from his tree today - I took about ten - so I'll be eating a lot of grapefruit over the next couple of weeks. He also gifted us a couple of opera tickets for a dress rehearsal of the Arizona Opera's performance of La Bohème later this month...thank you, Bob!

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