I'm including a link to a Phoenix New Times article that reviewed one of my favorite places lately - Oasis Raspados. The one I go to is on 32nd St. just north of McDowell, but they have two other locations also.
Here is my version of a chamoyada...I've had to learn to make them myself since mis amigos at Oasis have been on vacation (still!) for the holidays and have been jonesing for them.
Here is my version:
1 large glass
add crushed ice - 1 cup at least (if your blender has an ice crush function, use it!)
add 1/2 to 3/4 cup fruit of your preference (canned pineapple or fresh mango or kiwi is good)
add some of the juice from the canned fruit
add a liberal amount - say 1/3 cup of liquid chamoy (I use Bokados from Food City)
handful of asian peanuts (also known as cacahuates japoneses at Food City)
tamarind candy - you can use Pulparindo and cut it in small pieces or buy serpentinas (Food City again or you can go to a dulceria - a Mexican candy shop)
the juice of half a lime
Eat it with a spoon and a straw.
Some people put chile en polvo on top as well. This can be as spicy as you like!
I am getting so good at making these I may not be going back to my chamoyada vendor much :) You will say, wow her head is swelling (haha).
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