Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hot chocolate on a stick - what's for breakfast

Hot chocolate on a stick makes for a
great breakfast (with a Wasa cracker).

I'm up early this morning (really?) and it's a weekend. Yup, no hot date for the kitchen wench last night. But that's not entirely true. Jason's Mom treated us to Pei-Wei and it was so yummy. We had sweet and sour chicken, white rice, vegetable fried rice (this is the best) and egg rolls. Their egg rolls are quite tasty. The right combination of salty, crispy and pork. Isn't it Emeril that says, "Pork fat rules!" I have to agree. Also, you must try their chili sauce. They must make it in house. It is fiery hot and just the right dipper for egg rolls vs. sweet and sour.

We watched Bill Maher on Jason's fancy large screen tv while we dined and it was very enjoyable, as it always is. One is lucky to have good friends, whom you can say anything to. It's a rare thing I think.

Anyways, I was spying my fruit bowl this morning, looking for a breakfast inspiration. It came in the form of hot chocolate on a stick from The Ticket Kitchen. It was in my Foodzie tasting box this month. This hot chocolate is great, and for me it is a cross between the Spanish Cola Cao and Abuelita's Mexican hot chocolate. If you have tried either of these, you will know what I mean. It is just delicious and perfect for breakfast. No funny aftertaste or fake chocolate taste here. It is not too sweet and I found that I was able to save half of the chocolate for breakfast #2.

Tomorrow, perhaps??

I'm having my hot chocolate this morning with Wasa crispbread (an odd combination I know) that was given to me yesterday by my brother Mike. He is a huge fan of this cracker type snack and buys them by the case at Amazon.

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