Friday, January 7, 2011

Pasta handkerchiefs - from Mark Bittman of ny times

The dough came out very nice in the food processor.

Mark Bittman of the does a cool video every so often and it's posted on the newspaper's food section. I really enjoy watching his videos because they are simple and include recipes most of us can do quickly.

This week, he makes pasta "handkerchiefs" with chunky pesto.

I'm just going to include to pasta part since you probably know how to make pesto already (basil, pine nuts, olive oil, salt, parmesean).

For the pasta, he used:
2 cups flour
pinch salt
3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs

You pulse all of this in your food processor until it becomes a "meal" consistency. Then you add 1 tbsp of water and pulse again a few times until it becomes a ball. (Adding 1 tbsp water thereafter as needed to have it become a ball).

He let the dough rest for 30 minutes on the counter or in the refrig. He floured it a bit before wrapping it in plastic. Then once it's rested, you roll it out with a rolling pin (and a bit more flour) and get it as thin as you can.

Then you boil the "handkerchiefs" for 1-2 minutes and that's all there is to it! You can top it with pesto or a light tomato sauce.

I'm making fresh pasta this year a lot, for sure. Give it a go and let me know how it goes.

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