Monday, January 10, 2011

Lemon currant scones

Make yourself some lemon currant scones today.

I made the scones from the blog today and they are looking pretty tasty.

I forgot to add the lemon rind so at the last minute (while they were baking) I added a bit to the tops and hopefully that dose of flavor will be enough.

Thirty a Week is a blog done by a couple living in Brooklyn, NY and they attempt to eat on $30/week. They eat vegetarian minus egg and dairy. You should check out their blog, it is really informative and practical, based on today's economy and meat sustainability (or lack thereof).

Here's the recipe:

2 cups flour
3 tbsp coarse sugar (I like Zulka moreno)
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup whole milk or cream
1 egg
5 tbsp butter (cold, cut in pieces)
1 handful currants
zest of 1 lemon

Fry's on Thomas near 32nd St. had currants on sale for .69 cents, which is an amazing deal. I gather it was surplus they had from the, I added a handful of currants after the dough came together in the food processor. Then I rolled it out about 3/4" thick and cut the dough in triangles. Then I brushed a little egg on top and sprinkled with coarse sugar.

These smell great! Can't wait to inhale a few when they cool.

You can also make these with coconut, blueberries or cranberries. Cinnamon sugar would be good too.

Happy baking.

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