Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spaghetti sauce with sausage, olives and bell pepper

Yummy pasta sauce with bell pepper, Italian sausage
and black olives.

This has become one of my favorite pasta sauces. You need:

14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
8 oz can tomato sauce
1 handful whole black olives
1/2 bell pepper, sliced
2 Italian sausage links
a sprinkle of Italian seasoning
2 cloves garlic, minced
a drizzle of olive oil
1/2-3/4 pound of pasta, your choice

I brown the sausage a bit in the pan, then add the olive oil and saute the garlic along with the sausage for a couple of minutes. Then add the tomatoes, tomato sauce, the bell pepper, olives and a sprinkle of Italian seasonings.

I'm serving this over shell pasta tonight, but you can use angel hair or any other pasta you like.

The bell pepper adds a nice depth of flavor to the sauce.

This will feed three or four with a main course... or two if you are both super hungry.

If you can get a focaccia to go with this, that would be nice, along with a simple green salad. Tonight I'm serving it with a bottle of Tempranillo that I found at Cost Plus.

This is a very "homey" sauce that will make you feel like you're in the presence of your grandma. In my case, my late Grandma Pompeii, who was also a great cook.

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