Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweets from Germany

Mmmmm Milka chocolate.

and more chocolate...

Yummy looking German baked goodies...

Delicious looking breads.

My girlfriend Yecla knows that I am a big sweet tooth (in Spanish it is known as golosina), so she sent me some pictures of sweets/pastries/breads from Germany, where she lives.

All I can say now is, how do I sign up?

I love love love all things carbo. Breads and pastries alike. Butter is optional.

I tried Milka chocolate in Spain and I can say it is not overly sweet and very creamy, excellent quality. I think they sell it at Cost Plus here.

I believe Duplo is like Twix here, with wafers and chocolate, but I have not tried it personally. Looks delicious.

I was just telling my Mom that I felt the need to go to Germany recently for a big beer and a sausage sandwich. I could easily go for just the sweets alone.

Just so you can see some of the yummy things that await you on your travels to Germany. Thank you Yecla for sharing a bit of your world there with us here!

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