Saturday, September 25, 2010

Street Fair/Farmer's Market in Vista, CA

Delicious salamis from Knights Salumi

How do I look in a sari?

The fused glass lady had some beautiful plates and other artwork.

Dad and Saykham checking out produce.

Bitter melons look like small wrinkled cucumbers.

I went to a street fair and farmers market today in Vista, California, while visiting my Dad. I was accompanied by my Dad and the lovely Saykham, who made us a wonderful lasagna dinner last night along with a delicious fresh romaine lettuce salad that had other veggies along with kidney beans and apples. I know, sounds like a funny combination, but it works! We also had crusty La Brea french bread and proseco from Trader Joe's (leftover from Wanda's birthday - thanks for sharing, Wanda).

The street fair was really fun, there is some amazing artwork and garments. The fused glass lady had this plate with sandpipers on it that I fell in love with and then she had other plates, one with a bird in a tree and others with turtles. So cute! Then I met Rebecca, the sari lady. My Dad had purchased a sari for me and she showed me different ways to wrap and wear it. It's very pretty.

The farmers market had all kinds of fruit/veg vendors and people making delicious eats like empanadas and there were little salamis for sale from the nice people at Knight's Salumi in San Diego.

It was nice to be outside in the cool weather, with family.

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