Thursday, June 3, 2010

The morning after Hernandez Hideaway

Get yourself to Hernandez for an amazing margarita.

The kitchen wench is paying for it today. Meaning, I'm paying for it since I had one too many (2 too many maybe) margaritas last night at Wanda's birthday dinner.

The margaritas at Hernandez are really good, strong (obviously = my condition) and tangy.

We had chips, salsa and I dined on a beef taco. I am a big fan of tacos so a dining experience that includes them is always appreciated.

My little sister was telling me that my Dad and Wanda used to spend so much time at Hernandez back in the day, when she was younger, that she did a lot of homework there. Too funny! And my Dad remembers being there once or twice when Obama was running for President and might have had one too many, and was talking him up, quite boisterously. He was volunteering for the campaign and was quite enthusiastic. Thankfully, he is still all in one piece. You know what they say, be careful who you talk to about religion, politics and money.

I digress.

So...get yourself to Hernandez the next time you're in San Diego.

Hernandez Hideaway. 19320 Lake Drive Escondido, CA 92029-8108 - (760) 746-1444

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