Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marble cake with chocolate - direct from Germany

The finished cake. This looks yummy...

Your batter will look like this.

My girlfriend Yecla forwarded a recipe today (with pictures) that is a marble cake with chocolate that she made for her son Noah's birthday.

Looks delicious.


Add the ingredients in this order, 300 grams of butter, 275 grams of sugar, a little vanilla sugar (maybe a tablespoon), 5 eggs, a pinch of salt, 500 grams of flour (she uses whole wheat) and one package of baking powder (the equivalent here would be 1 teaspoon). At the end you mix a little milk with cocoa powder and you mix it in the batter a little so there are two colors, white and chocolate.

Bake at 180 degrees for 60 minutes.

Afterwards you let the cake cool, and melt some chocolate in a double boiler to cover as a frosting.


Añadir los ingredientes en este orden: 300g de manteqquilla, 275g de azúcar, un poco de azúcar de vainilla, 5 huevos, y un poquito de sal, 500g de harina, la mia es harina integral, 1 paquete de baking powder, y al final se mezcla un poquito de leche con cacao y se mezcla un poco para que haya dos colores, blanco y chocolate.

Después meterlo en el horno a unos 180°C durante unos 60 minutos.

Despues deshacer el chocolate para cubrir, calentandolo al baño maría. Y poner por encima del pastel, ya un poco frío.

Mmmm how good does this sound?

The kitchen wench delivers, in English and en Español.

Happy sweeting.

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