Friday, June 25, 2010

Dinner with Mom - beanies with chipotle and green chiles

My Mom is a whiz with beans. She soaks them overnight and then cooks them with chipotle peppers (you can freeze these in ice cube trays and just pull them out as you need them), green chiles and ground beef (in moderation). She had some au jus (stock) she had leftover from a roast so she put that in last night's beans. They were so tender, spicy and delicious.

She came over last night with her beanies, and also brought some cut roma tomatoes. I provided cut bell pepper, jicama and bolillo rolls.

We went swimming and then ate while watching the movie "Couples Retreat" with Vince Vaughn. It is pretty silly.

The last time she visited I gave her a can of pinto beans and she made tostadas with them. She said the quality of the beans (a Food City brand) was very good and she enjoyed them a lot. So, we share beans between the generations. Hokey?

Happy eating.

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