Friday, May 7, 2010

Treasure Box - receive $65.00-100 worth of food for $30

My brother turned me on to this website today, Treasure Box is a non-profit that helps people by providing food boxes at a low monthly cost.

The info below was taken from the website.

May 2010 Menus

Each of our boxes brings savings and quality food catered to the needs of families

The Treasure Box (Monthly Menu) provides local families and individuals with a great tool to assist in stretching monthly food budgets – a pre-assembled box of popular and nutritious grocery food items worth between $65-100 that can be purchased for only $30. This box always contains 21-25 pounds of high quality, frozen foods including < script src="includes/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" type="text/javascript"> chicken, pork, beef or seafood, in addition to vegetables, fruit, a side dish and a dessert. A family of four can eat these delicious foods for nearly a week, while an individual dine on these fares for nearly a month!

The Hearty Meat Protein Box-$30 contains 10-12 lbs of protein and is a great supplement to your regular monthly Treasure Box.

The Quick & Healthy Meal Box-$30 contains 10 individually packaged 3 compartment meals. Each meal provides 1/3 of the daily nutritional requirements and includes the nutritional equivalent of 3 oz of meat/protein and either two ½ cup vegetable servings or one vegetable and one fruit serving. Low in fat, cholesterol and sodium, and ready to eat in minutes. These meals are especially good for senior citizens, those with dietary restrictions, and anyone who is looking for a healthier choice.

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