Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oasis Raspados

A chamoyada is perfect for life celebrations.

I was celebrating a little today since the air conditioning is fixed now in my car. I should thank the nice folks at LeSueur in Tempe (thank you Jack) for taking such good care of my 98 (new) Beetle. Thanks, guys!!

I digress. I celebrated by getting...a chamoyada (see picture). You didn't even wait for the drum roll, right?

I assume my snacking proclivities are well known by now in this blog, so yes, a chamoyada it was again today.

There were only a handful of people at Oasis today around 2:00 pm. I guess all others were at work or school, which is what I'm getting ready to get back to right now (work).

Get yourself to 32nd. St./McDowell for a fruity, shaved ice concoction from Oasis Raspados.


Right now!

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