Monday, May 17, 2010 - sale on Smalley's cookies is a really cool website for folks who want to order sweets, meats, preserved veggies, dried fruits, crackers and prepared foods.

While I enjoy baking, and cooking I have never pickled anything before, and probably won't anytime soon. has pickled carrots, beets and of course... cucumbers. They ship everywhere and have a map that shows you where products come from, so you can choose to order closest to home and help save our planet.

Smalley's cookies has a 25% off sale now, here's the link:

If you make food you would like to sell, Foodzie can help you do that. I don't know exactly how it works, they probably keep a percentage, but to help get your name out there and make sales, I can see how it would be a good thing. I have suggested it to a family friend, Marisol, who makes tamales, tortillas and empanadas.

Check out today. Your mouth will water!

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