Thursday, April 29, 2010

Coffee brewing - french pressing options, reprise

My brother's new Mr. Coffee espresso maker - it is pretty!

My new French press - small yet efficient!

Today I visited with my Mom and my brother Mike. He showed me his new espresso maker that came today from - it is a Mr. Coffee version and cost only $37! It's a very modern design, I like it a lot. The picture I took is when it is brewing water only - my brother likes things to be very clean, so his machine is now ready to go.

I didn't take a picture of our dinner, but I made a tortilla (potato omelet) with italian sausage. It was really tasty. I pan fried the sausage first (2 links, hot sausage, from DeFalco's Deli) and then let it rest and then sliced it in 1/4 " slices. Then I microwaved 4 medium size baking potatoes for 7 minutes thirty seconds (Fresh & Easy has a bag for 99 cents). Then I removed the skins and browned them in the leftover sausage juices (mmmm) and added a bit of olive oil to the pan as well. Once the potatoes were browned, I added the sausage slices back in and covered everything with 6 beaten eggs and cooked the mixture until most of the liquid was incorporated, then I flipped it and cooked the other side until all of the liquid was gone as well.

On the side we had a loaf of sourdough bread from Bluewater Grille and a tomato/basil/olive oil salad. Cooking in with one's family is sure a nurturing thing. I highly recommend it when you have the time.

Sorry, don't have any pictures this time of the meal, but do make the potato omelet, and add Italian sausage if you can get it. If not, asparagus will do, or spinach, or bell peppers and onions. Mmmm... I am getting seriously carried away now.

Today I found a french press coffee maker at Tuesday Morning at 36th St./Indian School for only $10.00. I figured it was a steal so I snapped it up (see picture).

Mother's Day is coming up, so I asked my Mom today what she wanted for her big day. I figured she would want See's Candies (her usual) but this time she said she wants a really good garlic press. I will go to Standard Restaurant Supply on McDowell and find her a top of the line model. She is also looking for a plastic wisk that won't hurt the bottom of her new pans (like a metal one would scratch them). I haven't found one yet. Any suggestions?

In the meantime, make a potato omelet. Now. Right now!!

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