Friday, February 5, 2010

Wildflower Bakery has wifi and fizzy water

I'm at the Wildflower Bakery this morning at 44th St./Indian School catching up on some emails and surfing a bit. It's very pleasant, there are lots of tables and booths and the place is well lit with natural light - which I like. It's also close to my bank and in between home and work, an added bonus. I'm having a lemon calistoga water and enjoying my little netbook that my friend and IT specialist at Clear Skies IT Solutions helped me procure last year.

Btw, if you need computer repair help, get in touch with Clear Skies IT Solutions at, they have reasonable rates and will come to your home or office.

In conclusion...Wildflower Bakery has yummy pastries, coffee, soda and salads/'s worth checking out.

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