Thursday, February 18, 2010

Merluza en salsa verde - cod recipe from the Basque country

My friend Arantzazu emailed this recipe today -merluza en salsa verde - which is very typical basque receipe.

It is in her words:

It consists on getting real fresh fish (if posible), put it in warm (but not hot) olive oil, in which some garlic in slices have been fried, while you move the pan on the low fire forwards and backwards without stopping until the fish is cooked, then you add chopped fresh parsley on it and take out from fire.
That was the traditional way to do it, but you can also try to put some oil, garlics, fresh pasley and very little amount, let's say a tea spoon, of flour in a pot, mix it with the robot and cook the fish (anyone) I usually cook hake or cod, in low fire, moving if posible. Mooving makes come out the jelly the fish has itself, which makes the sauce "thiker" with no need of flour..... Salt of course if you want to....

She made this for me and my Dad back in March of 2008 when she hosted us at her beautiful home in Samaniego. She has the most modern shower I have ever seen, with many buttons.

Her in-laws are the proprietors of a winery - Ostatu - if you are ever in Samaniego, you must visit. Let me know and I will give you her contact information so you can schedule a tour.

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