Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stuffed peppers with olives and raisins

Stuffed peppers with olives and will say this sounds like a strange combination. It is sort of a sweet/savory/sour thing - if that makes sense. I will be making these in the next few days and will post pictures.
My aunt Char has made these for years and likes to serve them in lieu of a salad if salad greens don't look so good at the market.
Try this and you will be amazed.

4 bell peppers
1 large bagel or 4-5 slices white bread (make into breadcrumbs)
1 cup olives
1 cup raisins
salt/pepper/oil/red wine vinegar to taste

Clean your peppers and cut in half so they can be filled. Mix your breadcrumbs with the olives and raisins. As you would dress a salad, use oil and vinegar on the mixture - salt & pepper as you like. Then fill your peppers and bake them in a dish with high enough sides that they will not slide out (a cookie sheet is not recommended for this). Put a little water and red wine vinegar in the bottom of the pan to help them steam. Cook them at 400 degrees, covered, for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I have been known to eat these for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. The taste is best at room temperature. Even if you are skeptical about how these flavors work, you should give them a try. Humor this kitchen wench!

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